2004-2011 Indian Passenger Vehicles Domestic Sales Up 137.42﹪

Based on the statistics from the SIAM(Society of Indian Automobile Manufactures), the Indian automobile grand total domestic sales increase from 2004-2005 7,897,629 to 2010-2011 15,513,156, up by 96.43﹪. Among all, the passenger vehicles showed the largest growth of 137.42﹪, followed by the commercial vehicles of 112.42﹪. While the domestic market share in India for 2010-2011 is as follows: two wheelers(76﹪), passenger vehicles(16.25﹪), commercial vehicles(4.36﹪)and three wheelers(3.39﹪). The gross turnover of automobile manufactures in India for 2010-2011 was USD 58,583 million, up by 35.31﹪compared to the previous period.
Besides, the automobile production in India grew from 2004-2005 8,467,853 to 2010-2011 17,916,035, up by 111.58﹪. The passenger vehicles displayed the largest growth of 146.91﹪, followed by the commercial vehicles of 112.82﹪.