OICA:World Auto Production Reached 80.1 Million in 2011 Asia Ranked Top 1

According to the latest statistics from OICA, 2011 world auto production reached 80.1 million(all types), up by more than 3﹪compared to 2010. Asia is the first continent reaching 40.6 million units in 2011, followed by Europe at 21.1 and the Americas at 17.8.
◎Europe 27:Europe is back with a growth to 17.7M but still under the figures prior to 2008.
◎Other European countries, Russia and Turkey:The figures of 3.4M is higher than before the crisis.
◎ NAFTA:a positive come back with 13.5M but still 2M under the figures prior to the crisis.
◎ South America:a growth to 4.3M.
◎ Japan:8.4M mainly due to the earth quake and tsunami. Japan is still under the levels priorto the crisis.
◎ South Korea:a growth to 4.7M the figures is well above the last record of 2007.
◎ China:after the high speed growth of 2009 and 2010, China is slowing a little with 18.4M but remains as the first country for auto production.
◎ India, other Asian countries and Africa:a significant growth to 9.7M mainly thanks to in India and South East Asian countries.
OICA forecasts for 2012 the same 3﹪growth of world auto production. Some countries may slow down production, but new plants will start production this year ( in Russia, Morocco, Brazil,……).
2011 Production Statistics
Country | Cars | Commerical vehicles | Total | ﹪change |
Argentina | 577,233 | 251,538 | 828,771 | 15.7﹪ |
Australia | 189,503 | 34,690 | 224,193 | -8.1﹪ |
Austria | 130,343 | 22,162 | 152,505 | 45.2﹪ |
Belgium | 562,386 | 0 | 562,386 | 1.3﹪ |
Brazil | 2,534,534 | 871,616 | 3,406,150 | 0.7﹪ |
Canada | 990,483 | 1,144,410 | 2,134,893 | 3.2﹪ |
China | 14,485,326 | 3,933,550 | 18,418,876 | 0.8﹪ |
Czech Rep. | 1,191,968 | 7,866 | 1,199,834 | 11.5﹪ |
Egypt | 53,072 | 28,659 | 81,731 | -30.0﹪ |
Finland | 2,540 | 0 | 2,540 | -61.9﹪ |
France | 1,931,030 | 363,859 | 2,294,889 | 2.9﹪ |
Germany | 5,871,918 | 439,400 | 6,311,318 | 6.9﹪ |
Hungary | 200,000 | 2,800 | 202,800 | -4.1﹪ |
India | 3,053,871 | 882,577 | 3,936,448 | 10.7﹪ |
Indonesia | 561,863 | 276,085 | 837,948 | 19.3﹪ |
Iran | 1,413,276 | 235,229 | 1,648,505 | 3.1﹪ |
Italy | 485,606 | 304,742 | 790,348 | -5.7﹪ |
Japan | 7,158,525 | 1,240,129 | 8,398,654 | -12.8﹪ |
Malaysia | 496,440 | 43,610 | 540,050 | -4.9﹪ |
Mexico | 1,657,080 | 1,022,957 | 2,680,037 | 14.4﹪ |
Netherlands | 40,772 | 32,379 | 73,151 | -22.3﹪ |
Poland | 740,000 | 97,132 | 837,132 | -3.7﹪ |
Portugal | 141,779 | 50,463 | 192,242 | 21.1﹪ |
Romania | 310,243 | 24,989 | 335,232 | -4.5﹪ |
Russia | 1,738,163 | 249,873 | 1,988,036 | 41.7﹪ |
Sebia | 15,050 | 740 | 15,790 | -12.4﹪ |
Slovakia | 639,763 | 0 | 639,763 | 13.9﹪ |
Slovenia | 168,955 | 5,164 | 174,119 | -17.6﹪ |
South Africa | 312,265 | 220,280 | 532,545 | 12.8﹪ |
South Korea | 4,221,617 | 435,477 | 4,657,094 | 9.0﹪ |
Spain | 1,819,453 | 534,229 | 2,353,682 | -1.4﹪ |
Sweden | 188,969 | 0 | 188,969 | -13.0﹪ |
Taiwan | 288,523 | 54,773 | 343,296 | 13.1﹪ |
Thailand | 549,770 | 928,690 | 1,478,460 | -10.1﹪ |
Turkey | 639,734 | 549,397 | 1,189,131 | 8.6﹪ |
Ukraine | 97,585 | 7,069 | 104,654 | 25.9﹪ |
UK | 1,343,810 | 120,189 | 1,463,999 | 5.1﹪ |
USA | 2,966,133 | 5,687,427 | 8,653,560 | 11.5﹪ |
Uzbekistan | 146,300 | 33,260 | 179,560 | 14.5﹪ |
Supplementary | 368,615 | 127,215 | 495,830 | 2.2﹪ |
Total | 59,932,155 | 20,132,013 | 80,064,168 | 3.2﹪ |
