European Union Launches AD Mid-Term Review Investigation on China’s Steel Fasteners

The European Commission on 6 March announced that it decided to launch an AD mid-term review investigation on steel or iron fastener imports from China.
On 28 July 2011, the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO (DSB) adopted the Appellate Body Report and the Panel Report as modified by the Appellate Body Report on the case‘European Communities — Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Iron or Steel Fasteners from China.
The Appellate Body ruled that EU isn't complying with international commerce rules by imposing anti-dumping duties on the Chinese-made fasteners. The concerned products fall within codes 73181290, 73181491, 73181499, 73181559, 73181569, 73181581, 73181589, 73181590, 73182100, 73182200.
Following the Reports and pursuant to the WTO enabling Regulation, the Commission is hereby initiating a review of the treatment accorded to certain interested parties in the fasteners investigation, namely those parties which consider to have been discouraged from cooperating and requesting individual treatment because of the administrative burden entailed by, or because they considered that they did not meet all criteria in, Article 9(5) of the EU basic AD Regulation.
The measures reviewed may be repealed, amended or maintained in order to comply with the recommendations and rulings of the DSB. To be considered in this review, interested parties shall come forward no later than 30 days following the publication of this notice in the Official Journal and shall state that the anti-dumping measure to which the applicant's exports to the European Union are subject is based on the circumstances mentioned in Section (a) above; and contain information on export quantities to the European Union and export prices within the meaning of Article 2 of the EU basic AD Regulation covering the investigation period on the basis of which the applicable anti-dumping duty was based.
The Commission intends to re-disclose to all interested parties that participated in the fasteners investigation more precise information regarding the product characteristics which were found to be pertinent in the determination of the normal value that was used in the comparison with the product concerned.
In addition, the Commission intends to reassess whether dumped imports have caused injury to the Union industry taking into account the EU industry's specific export performance instead of the overall export statistical data reported by Eurostat.
Any written application for a review shall be addressed to the following address:
European Commission Directorate-General for Trade
Directorate H — Fasteners investigation
Office: N105 04/092
1049 Bruxelles/Brussel
Fax +32 22993704
