Mr. Joe Chen Continues at the Helm of TIFI as the 16th Chairman

Taiwan Industrial Fasteners Institute (TIFI) held the 16th the first member meeting and the reelection of its chairman, supervisors and advisors on December 23, 2011. Mr. J. C. Tsou, Chairman of China Steel Corp. (CSC) in Taiwan said under such a competitive environment, it is remarkable that the Taiwan fastener industry still has a very good performance. He also expressed his compliments to the TIFI’s efforts to the internationalization of the institute. Currently, the overall wire rod output of CSC has exceeded 2 million tons while the high quality wire rod accounts for 30% of the domestic sales. Now CSC has successfully developed non-iron metal pure titanium material, proactively helping the downstream industry to create unique competitiveness. Mr. Wu-Shyon Chen, Chairman of Chinese National Federation of Industries in Taiwan indicated that the annual fastener import volume of Taiwan is able to reach 1.4 million tons, which is the pride of Taiwan. Owing to the fact that Japan SMEs have gradually broken away from the overwhelming power of big general trading companies in recent years and entered the international market, Chen encourages TIFI to join platforms such as Taiwan Japan Association for Business Communication (TJABC) to bring forth more cooperation opportunities between Taiwan and Japan.............................
(See more content in January 2012 issue--Fastener World 132 )
