New Chairman of Taiwan Fastener Association Chieh Wen Wu: To Be Spiritually Wealthy Is Knowing How to Give Back and to Be the Most Outstanding Is Learning How to Contribute

Taiwan Fastener association consisting of nearly 140 Taiwanese fastener distributors held the 9th chairman handing-over ceremony. Newly elected Chairman received the official stamp from former Chairman Andrew Wang and would continue to advance the procedural promotion of the association affairs. Wu said that the association would focus on two major tasks including “member socials” and “minority caring” as well as expect to gather the power of members and return the feedback to the society. At the same time, he skillfully explained his motto of “To Be Spiritually Wealthy Is Knowing How to Give Back and to Be the Most Outstanding Is Learning How to Contribute” to the audience, which was enthusiastically admired.
This ceremony took place at Xin Ron Yuan Restaurant in
