Industry Activities
Valuable Views from CCO Mr. Marco Pizzi and COO Mr. Germano Pandiani of Carlo Salvi S.p.A

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-What the Market-leading Company Says-

U.S. “TIME” Magazine currently announced its latest cover describing 2020 as “the Worst Year Ever”, what do you think about the year of 2020, particularly to your company?
We fully agree with what TIME Magazine announced. An absolutely absurd year, to say the least, characterized by an immeasurable quantity of events that have caused strong repercussions to the economic and social system. Not only the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects, but also national conflicts, presidential elections and issues on the protection of human rights. Events and prospects that are certainly not reassuring for the coming year. We are certainly living through a very tough period that requires many sacrifices, but we must be ready to ride the wave.
Concerning our company, everyday we try to strengthen ourselves to face this challenge. At a group level, we organized ourselves promptly (and we are still trying to improve it) with the use of digital systems that allow us to manage our headers remotely and support our customers in a short time, trying to mitigate the effects of the pandemic as much as possible.
What kind of significant influence or change to the fastener industry have you observed over the past few months?
Starting from the end of the summer, up to the month of November, we have seen a brief recovery in demand in our sector. Many positive feedbacks have come from our Italian customers and from the positivity with which they have decided to invest for 2021. In our opinion, the events of this 2020 will determine a brake on the globalization process in favor of a partial return of production at national level and the redistribution of a “made in” production with significant consequences both on a social and economic level.
As a market leading industry, what did you do exactly to support your business partners to weather this year-long challenge?
We are of the opinion that the first move is to strengthen the company sales network. It is very important to find the right way to support and assist customers with timely service. We have implemented new digital marketing strategies and all related media. Whether to assist existing clients or to look for new ones, we believe these are key strategies to consider even in the best of times. An example is the creation of a “virtual” booth that can replace the possibility of participating in trade fairs and the creation of seminars via web. Solutions needed today, with the hope one day of returning to normality and interpersonal relationships.
Many market analysts recently noted that there has been a clear sign of the demand recovery in many industry sectors. What is your observation toward this trend?
Demand is changing, preferring electric, high-strength but ultra-light materials in sectors as automotive and aerospace: it is especially on the latter field that the changes are very evident. The volumes of production batches have significantly reduced and this will be the trend for the next 2-3 years.
The possibility of demand therefore extends to smaller organizations, companies that are reorganizing themselves to satisfy larger batches of products than before. At the same time companies are making cuts trying to still remain competitive. As previously mentioned, to cope with these changes it has been and still is essential to develop strategies and implement digitization and automation systems. Providing an “in time” service is also a winning strategy. For the first half of 2021, our company boasts a pleasantly rich portfolio that will certainly allow for a more positive and hopeful vision of tomorrow.
UK started its Covid vaccination last December, which seems to be also good news to the other countries. What is your viewpoint about the new industrial order in the post-Covid period?
Personally, we hope that the result is positive and that it allows to cope with the problem in a meaningful way. Only in this way will we be able to return to normality, to interpersonal relationships, to travel and to all the consumer activities that have supported our economy.
What will be the main business focus of your company in the upcoming year of 2021? Does your company see any opportunities in any industry sector?
For the coming year, our company's focus will be on the automotive, "white" and hardware industries.
As for the aerospace sector, as already mentioned, it is considered one of the most affected by the crisis and we do not expect a positive response until 2022-2023.
In any case, we will try to remain very active in encouraging the process of redistribution of the "made in", contributing to the increase of our nation's GDP also in terms of sustainability.
What is your suggestion to your business partners from around the world?
Our suggestion to all partners is not to get discouraged but on the contrary ride the wave of adversity without being overwhelmed. We are of the opinion that opportunities can arise from every reset. It takes courage and difficulties will not be lacking for any of us but life itself is a challenge and worth facing it.
Finally, we would like to extend to all those who are reading us our warmest wishes for serenity and health.
Profile of Carlo Salvi
Founded in 1939 and with 80 years of experience,
Carlo Salvi employs today more than 100 people at its offices in Italy and subsidiaries in China, UK and USA. Following the leadership of the managing directors, Messrs. Thomas Christoffel, Thomas Hiltmann, Germano Pandiani and Marco Pizzi, everyday the company develops new solutions and ideas, working in team with the aim of pursuing the objectives. Since April 2016, Carlo Salvi has joined the Swiss company Hatebur. Carlo Salvi continues to be a leading company in the wire forming field and is worldwide well known thanks to the reliability, the top quality and excellent performance of its header machines.
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Industry Activities
