Japan’s No.1 Screw Giant Set out to Top the World Market Nitto Seiko Co., Ltd.

Established in 1938, the public listed Nitto Seiko started off as a special clock and dial gauge maker. Later, it went off from making flow meters (now Nitto’s inspection equipment division) to industrial fasteners (now its core business) and finally automatic screw fastening machines (now the automatic assembly machine division). These divisions are the 3 pillars of Nitto offering the world’s one and only total solution covering screws, fastening machines, inspection, and even cleaning device.
3 Business Pillars of Nitto
In its industrial fastener division, Nitto features self-tapping screws and has numerous fasteners tailored to resin and metal properties, having shipped 90,000 types of products to the world. It also prides on its first-in-Japan mass-produced precision screws (M1.2-M2.6) and micro-screws (M0.6-M1.0) with corresponding screwdrivers and inspection device, as well as its R&D on unique screws tailored for lightweight, earth-friendliness, cost reduction and new material requirement sought by the automotive and appliance industries. Its assembly machine division features design/manufacture/assembly line service, as well as screw fastening machines topping the market share with auto-feeding and multiple simultaneous screw fastening functions that offer consistent fastening performance and variable torques tailored to target materials. Its inspection equipment division features GeoKarte (screw driving sounding test & Swedish weight sounding test machine) taking 80% of Japan’s automatic ground investigation market share, and volumetric/turbine/mass flow meter, as well as micro-bubble washer that uses micro-level bubbles to achieve cost-saving and eco-friendly cleaning without the use of solvents.
Diversified Marketing & Business Expansion
Nitto rolled out a mascot character, an app sticker, and even a book about “the 77 teachings of life learned from screws”. Its marketing revolves around a critical idea—to bond with people like screws bond objects together. This screw giant surprised everyone when it rolled out MUELIGHT—an LED bulb speaker sold through its subsidiary as a part of strengthening partnership and building broad sales routes. Additionally, Nitto has factories in Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and China, all of which do not just center on particular product types but offer various types for the sake of “localized production and consumption”. Recently Nitto is working on establishing overseas bases and network focused on trading and distribution. Nitto president Mr. Masami Zaiki said in the interview with Fastener World Magazine, “We perform particularly well in the U.S., China, and Indonesia. The global market condition is ever-changing and thus we set out to achieve 120% customer satisfaction and a globalized Nitto while offering products to our global customers.”
Nitto’s Outlook
“We keep aware of the significant global influence of the U.S. and Europe economy when running our business. We also set our foot in the medical and food industries that are less affected by economy. I think the domestic demand this year propelled by 2020 Tokyo Olympics will rise mildly, but we can’t overlook the uncertainty of demand due to expected population decline in Japan. Nitto will speed up globalization particularly in the Asian emerging countries,” said the president. Nitto has been enhancing business in the automotive industry that emphasizes on “lightweight”, rolling out new products like the lightweight “CF Tight” carbon fiber reinforced plastic self-tapping screw that prevents wear debris dispersion. It will exhibit at M-Tech Osaka and from there you can witness the charisma of Nitto as a globalized maker.
Contact: Mr. Hiroomi Takami (Email: takami@nittoseiko.com)
