Quality Coating Manufacturer Introduces New Alternative to Hexavalent Dichromate - Premium Products, Inc.

Premium Products, Inc. is a water-based, industrial coatings manufacturer located in IL, USA. Operating since 1988, it has enjoyed a significant tenure in the coatings industry while providing customers with excellent service, competitive prices, and environmentally friendly coatings in high quality. It recognizes that the disciplines of quality, health, safety, and environmental management are an integral part of its management function. The company was started by Phil Dhake who found his passion for creating unique coatings after having worked in the industry where he could refine his knowledge. He realized he could provide customers with environmentally friendly coatings meeting their specific needs. He began marketing his product and the company was born. Since then, it has grown to produce a variety of different coatings using knowledgeable technical experts to create exactly what each customer needs.
The company has continued to supply well-known fastener brands with environmentally friendly coatings for over 25 years. The coatings are available worldwide, regularly shipped internationally, and are valuable in several industries, like the gas, oil and drilling, automotive, windmill/energy, and appliance industry, among many others. “We supply products to a distributor that sells to customers in Asia. We constantly communicate with them to assist them in supplying each customer with what they need. For customers outside of Asia, we tend to supply them directly. Domestically, our R&D Team will continue to develop new products and improve current ones. We also plan to expand our customer base both domestically and internationally. In the future, we plan to continue supplying the automotive industry as well as others and can increase our capacity if necessary,” said Phil.
AQUAZINC® - Best for Replacing Zinc-plating
Premium Products is known for its AQUAZINC® coating with similar appearance to zinc plating. Phil explained that AQUAZINC® is a replacement for zinc plating because it does not cause hydrogen embrittlement and offers much better performance than zinc plating. It has good adhesion over zinc plating, stainless steel parts, and zinc flake coating. It also offers excellent corrosion resistance as a topcoat over zinc flake coating. Besides AQUAZINC®, he added that the highly economical POLYMET® is used over zinc flake coating or zinc phosphate with excellent corrosion resistance and kesternich cycle performance. Both AQUAZINC® and POLYMET® are water based, safe for the environment and people, and cost competitive compared to other well-known products. Its other products include the AQUABLACK line, which is applied over zinc plating and zinc flake coating. AQUABLACK achieves 3,000 hours of corrosion resistance over zinc plating. STAINLESS STEEL PTFE CLEAR is a hybrid polymer with PTFE that improves corrosion and chemical resistance when applied on stainless steel, extends component life, can withstand exposure to harsh chemicals and prevents galling.
Kicking off Another Success with the Introduction of POLYGOLD
Business was really good for Premium Products last year. It introduced a new product called POLYGOLD that can replace hexavalent dichromate. It is a water based coating similar in appearance to hexavalent dichromate, but provides better performance, and is much safer environmentally. As Phil concluded, “We are a manufacturer of quality coatings. We do not concern ourselves with brand names. instead we focus on quality, environmentally safe products, excellent service and competitive price to create an outstanding value for our customers.”
