Fast and Easy Frame Mounting with Brand New Programa Plus

Essve introduces the next generation frame screw – Programa Plus. With Programa Plus, craftsmen and window installers can mount both window and door frames with speed and ease without risk of splitting or splintering in either joist or frame.
New Programa Plus has been developed at Essve’s R&D facilities in Kista in Stockholm. The fiber cut insert on the casing makes the entry hole into the frame neat and clean without splintering. The fiber cut insert on the tip of the screw reduces the risk of splitting the wall joist, even if the frame screw is applied close to the edge of the joist. Programa Plus is also more robust than traditional frame screws thanks to a new design with a casing that is round and has grooves all around it, a detail which halves the risk of splitting the frame or over-tightening when inserting the casing, for example when the mounting gets crooked.
Programa Plus is primarily used for mounting of: outer- and inside doors, windows and glass sections and works equally well with different wall materials: stone, concrete, lightweight concreate, wood and Leca.