The Approved EcoZak Method from Japan can Perform Dry Fastening of Furring Strips

The EcoZak Method utilizes the "Shua Twist" anti-corrosive self-tapping bolts developed by Lobtex Fastening Systems Ltd. (Japan).
Thanks to its unique thread shape, "Shua Twist" bolt has strong tensile strength, shear strength, anti-corrosiveness and vibration resistance. In the process of steel plate fastening, the male threads of "Shua Twist" will deform the steel plates and form female threads to fasten the steel plates. By adopting "Shua Twist" bolts, the EcoZak Method can perform dry fastening between an angle steel and steel plate, or between an angle steel and steel strip.
According to tests result, on a furring strip fastened with a "Shua Twist" bolt, the tensile strength is 1.20kN, and the shear strength is 4.53kN.
Before this method is approved, workers had to apply anti-corrosive paint on furring strips, but manual painting causes variation of anti-corrosiveness and increased repair costs for furring strips that are damaged during transportation or construction work. The EcoZak Method as a solution to those problems passed technical audit in August 2016. Its advantages includes: (1) No need to weld (thus zero CO2 emission) (2) High anti-corrosion (3) Simplified construction work (4) No need to repair (5) Shortened processing time (6) Reduced cost.