Weighpack- Not Only a Leap Forward

Years’ Experience & Professional Team
Weighpack is a specialist in the design and manufacturing of inspection, weighing machines and complete packaging lines. The family of the current founder and owner Mr. Andries P. Kout started importing screws from the U.S. just after WWII. It was in that business that he first hand packed and sorted screws using a simple balance scale. At that time Andries Kout learned the importance of sorting screws. In 1974 there was nothing on the market that could pack high unit weight, low volume products like fasteners, so Weighpack created a robust packaging machine that would cope with the weight of the product and the requirement for short runs and multiple changeovers every day.
Weighpack was, is and will be exclusively focusing on the design and manufacturing of hardware packaging systems. It has a network of reliable, knowledgeable agents across the world; each understanding the local market, speaking the local language, developing new and supporting established relationships. “Our after sales department will accompany the packaging machine from the factory acceptance test onwards throughout the complete operating life of the machine. At our after sales service the customer will find the right contact person for all topics related to his machine,” said Mr. Andries Kout.
Innovative Designs and Better Technical Support
Weighpack has recently released an innovative nail packing solution with “a magnetic belt conveyor” design. Via a floor-stand bulk storage hopper, products are supplied to a magnetic belt conveyor, as an efficient way of lifting products to the weighing system and reducing the total height of the installation. The weighing system then supplies the correct weight to be dumped into the box, during which it will be magnetic orientated. Magnetic orientation means saving packaging volume and therefore increasing storage space.
Weighpack also offers its unique “WP Connect.” ”With our system we can create direct access to our PLC control units using Ethernet technology. Because usually not every machine and plant manufacturer has the necessary IT‐infrastructure for an own VPN server, therefore a central VPN‐access for software engineers, machine‐ and service‐technicians is an ideal solution. It is a safe meeting point so to speak. This service assigns every wpNET router to a list and to a user group, so only specific users may access certain wpNET router,“ explained Mr. Andries Kout.
“Thinking Ahead”
Weighpack has accumulated an extraordinary depth of knowledge of packaging solutions for specific and demanding market sectors, which can be attested by over 1200 systems installed worldwide (around 80% of them in fastener applications). Weighpack offers custom built packaging machines as per customer’s request. Recent customers’ requests are mainly for the DIN-Norm and DIY products in box packing and for non-standard- and automotive fasteners in returnable boxes.
Worldwide Markets
Weighpack’s main European market demands currently come from suppliers to the German automotive industry. The companies packing products in returnable (KLT) boxes are confronted with a growing demand for short, just-in-time flexibility of the packaging department. This requires an intelligent overall management software to safely handle sometimes up to 3 orders running on the same packaging line.The demand for corrosion free packing also has a growing demand for overseas transport of goods in returnable boxes. Weighpack will introduce a new concept for this type of corrosion free bag packing at Wire Düsseldorf.
The Asia markets show a higher demand for automations, although the Chinese needs are different from Europe and changing now it was all about productivity and less about accuracy. Although business slowed down after the anti-dumping duties were imposed, it sees that in Asia now it’s about meeting the increasingly sophisticated requirements of domestic fastener and hardware consumers. For Weighpack this is an interesting development in the Chinese fastener industry. Cartons might still be hand assembled and the packed boxes will be manually stacked onto pallets. In between, automation has become crucial to ensure product quality, accurate pack count and consistent packaging and labelling presentation.
Weighpack’s products have been adopted in Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The fact that its customers run their equipment all year long without problems is the best feedback and acknowledgement of its solutions. With a new company logo after 40 years of existence, Weighpack will highlight an era of new technological developments and constant improvements.
