The Import/Export Market Analysis for Taiwan Auto Metal Parts/Components in

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The domestic slow sale of autos with recession in 2006 continued into 2007. According to the statistics of Vehicle Association, only 284,000 units were sold in 2007; it was 9.8% less than the previous year, and was also the second time for auto sales to plummet to the 300,000- the lowest unit record since 2001. The OEM orders of the domestic auto parts and components operators were significantly affected by the poor internal demand. On top of that, the soaring of raw materials and energy worldwide to auto parts and components operators was getting worse and worse.
When viewed from perspective of production values, the domestic auto industry slid to 9.35% compared with the previous year; total value was NT$ 145 billion; in comparison, pushed by the export market growth, the auto parts and components industry grew 11.4%. This has created an intersection point for the production value development trends of the auto industry and the auto parts/components industry since 1995. For the first time, the auto parts and components values surpassed the auto industry in terms of production value with an amount of NT$ 153.9 billion. See Figure 1.