AISI Hails Passage of House Customs Bill

The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) applauded today’s 240-190 House of Representatives vote to approve customs legislation enhancing U.S. trade laws, which includes specific improvements strongly supported by the steel industry to provide more effective remedies against imports that are dumped or subsidized. The Institute says steel imports have reached historic levels in the past few years, due in large part to unfair trade practices.
“Passage of this bill today is a tremendous win for the steel industry, and a critical step in helping mitigate the harm from the surge in unfair imports that has severely impacted the American steel industry. The provisions will help ensure that the antidumping and countervailing duty laws remain effective tools for U.S. companies and workers to combat foreign unfair trade practices. If the American steel industry is to regain its pre-recession strength then the government must not let trade cheaters off the hook. "said Thomas J. Gibson, president and CEO of AISI.