Subsidiary Würth Malta Celebrates 25th Company Anniversary and Inaugurates New Head Office

On the occasion of its 25th company anniversary, Würth Malta opened a new head office in Zebbug, Malta. Within the framework of an inauguration ceremony with employees and their families, Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Reinhold Würth, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Würth Group's Family Trusts, officially opened the new building together with the management of the subsidiary.
The construction of the building, which consists of administrative building, branch office and distribution center, had become necessary due to the growth of Würth Malta Ltd. in the past years. The new building is furthermore logistical prerequisite for a stronger focusing onto the North-African market. “Malta lies geographically in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, with close proximity to the south of Europe and the north of Africa, where we also want to strengthen our strategic position. These new premises enable us to offer a much better service than before to all our customers. At the same time, it gives us a competitive edge over our competitors”, explains Angela Zammit, Managing Director and C.E.O. of Würth Malta Ltd. „
The new head office covering a total surface area of 2,300 square meters consists of a six-story building with underground carpark. The building houses a warehouse and logistics center, an office section, a showroom for customers as well as a modern branch office at an area of 490 square meters. The amount invested comes to EUR 6.5 million. Würth Malta Ltd. was established in 1988 and has a total of 65 employees today. In 2013, the company generated sales of EUR 5.32 million.