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Brazil has Best Start of Year in Its History in Automotive Licensing

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The licensing of motor vehicles in the first two months of 2014 was 4.6% higher than in the same period of 2013, making it the largest to date, totaling 571,900 units. The sales of cars in February recorded 259,300 units, an increase of 10.3% over the same month in 2013, a month where the industry sold 235,100 units. January sales were 312,600 units. The disclosure was made last March by the Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores (Anfavea).
The national vehicle production also closed well in February with 281,500 units manufactured, 18.7 % more than in January and 16.9 % above February 2013. The production increase was due to higher number of days with the completion of Carnival until early March.
On the other hand, manufacturing in the same two months of 2014 showed decline, with the fall of 2.7%, totaling 518,600 vehicles manufactured, a decrease of around 14,000 units if compared to the same period of last year. The export fell 24% on an accumulated basis up to this year. 51,600 units were shipped to other countries, mainly to Argentina, a shrinkage in the same period of 2013.
Luiz Moan Yabiku Jr., president of Anfavea, said, “the current economic climate in Argentina had significant weight to performance, but the industry has full confidence that the governments of both countries will quickly find solutions to the current economic scenario. We will see stability in the Brazilian market in 2014. The expected increase in production must be at 1.4%, while sales can rise 1.1%, with 3.8 million units made in total. The export will achieve the highest jump of 1.6%."
The national vehicle production also closed well in February with 281,500 units manufactured, 18.7 % more than in January and 16.9 % above February 2013. The production increase was due to higher number of days with the completion of Carnival until early March.
On the other hand, manufacturing in the same two months of 2014 showed decline, with the fall of 2.7%, totaling 518,600 vehicles manufactured, a decrease of around 14,000 units if compared to the same period of last year. The export fell 24% on an accumulated basis up to this year. 51,600 units were shipped to other countries, mainly to Argentina, a shrinkage in the same period of 2013.
Luiz Moan Yabiku Jr., president of Anfavea, said, “the current economic climate in Argentina had significant weight to performance, but the industry has full confidence that the governments of both countries will quickly find solutions to the current economic scenario. We will see stability in the Brazilian market in 2014. The expected increase in production must be at 1.4%, while sales can rise 1.1%, with 3.8 million units made in total. The export will achieve the highest jump of 1.6%."
