Japan Ofa Expands Business of "freshgreen" Surface Treatment Technology

Ofa Co., Ltd. is expanding business for its FG (freshgreen) treatment technology that can achieve high hardness and high anti-corrosion by forming a carbon-coated film of oxidized titanium onto titanium or titanium alloy.
The film is formed by simultaneously conducting oxidization and carbonization on titanium. The film is sophisticated and highly adhesive, and thus excellent in anti-wear and anti-corrosion, contributing much to weight saving. The general method of titanium surface treatment is to coat the surface with a binder. In contrast, FG technology modifies the surface by simultaneous oxidization and carbonization.
By modification without the need for binders, FG technology can be applied to screws without loosing surface sophistication of the screws and prevent galling and burn-in. As FG technology adopts atmosphere processing, there is no need to conduct it in a vacuum state, thus reducing treatment cost and effective to highly used components such as screws.