IKEA Profile

IKEA is the largest home appliance retailer on the globe. Established in 1943 and headquartered in Älmhult Municipality of southern Swenden, it ranks 42nd on the the list of top 500 global corporations. IKEA ha 139 thousand employees around the world, 298 retail stores in 26 nations, 1084 home appliance suppliers in 53 nations and regions, and procurement as well as distribution units scattering to every corner of the world.
IKEA has 9,300 types of products and bases its sales principle on low price, fine design, and high practicability. In 2012, its sales value reached 27 billion euros, and 690 million people visited its stores around the globe. Internet visitor count broke 1 billion mark. The revenue of IKEA's restaurants alone reached 1.3 billion euros.
IKEA pays high attention to its development impact towards the environment, and has initiated recyclable energy strategy at full range. This includes green energy reform to current stores and offices, and adopting recyclable energy like wind and solar power. Until the end of 2012, IKEA has installed over 250 thousand pieces of solar panels onto its stores and offices, and built 126 sets of wind turbine generators in 6 countries, increasing its proportion of recyclable energy to one third of total energy consumption. By 2015, IKEA's energy investment will reach 1.5 billion euros. The target is to 100% utilize recyclable energy by 2020.