TFTA Council Members Meeting in Hwa Hsing Screw Industry Co. New Factory

If firms can visit each other and share their experience with each other, this would bring about the improvements of the whole industry. When the seventh meeting of the TFTA (Taiwan Fastener Trading Association) was held on August 24, 2011, all of the directors, supervisors and advisors of the TFTA went on a tour to the new factory (located in Tainan) of Hwa Hsing Screw Industry Co., Ltd. All people there shared their practical experience with each other.
Jim C. N. Chen, who is President of Hwa Hsing Screw Industry and very likely to be elected as the next chairman of the TFTA, led those people in their tour around the factory. They saw the production process and quality control process of the factory and those people learned from each other by asking questions and shared their experience with each other. The tour was a great example for what a business tour should be.
In addition, in the meeting, Bill Chen, who is Director of the TFTA and General manager of Chite Enterprises Co., recommended the establishment of an international dispute mediation team, through which the ever-increasing international dispute cases may be medicated and dissolved. His recommendation was immediately approved by all the directors and supervisors of the TFTA. Tammy Huang, Chairperson of the TFTA then instructed the establishment of such mediation team, which will be founded in the near future. Such international dispute mediation team will be under the international committee of the TFTA. All members of the TFTA and international buyers are welcome to use the services to be provided by the international dispute mediation team.
As of now, the TFTA has over 200 members and many of them are fastener traders and factories that have accumulated more than 20 years of rich experience in the fastener trade and manufacturing. We believe that the establishment of the international dispute mediation team will mediate and dissolve the disputes between domestic and oversea buyers and sellers.
The next election of the chairperson, directors and supervisors of the TFTA will be held at the Evergreen Plaza Hotel (Tainan) on September 9, 2011. The ceremony for the transition from the current chairperson to the next chairman will be held on December 7, 2011. All members are welcome to participating in the election and the ceremony.
