LISI Announces the Transfer of Its Activities Sheet Metal Primary Parts and Assembly

In line with the press release dated March 28, 2019, LISI AEROSPACE announces that it has definitively completed the sale of all the shares of its two subsidiaries, INDRAERO SIREN and LISI AEROSPACE CREUZET MAROC, whose main activities are sheet metal primary parts and assembly of aerostructures to a fund managed by QUANTUM CAPITAL PARTNERS.
QUANTUM CAPITAL PARTNERS aims to accelerate its development in aerospace by bringing together all its aerospace activities under the same brand Aviagroup Industries with the goal to generate operational synergies and targeting a critical size greater than € 100 million.
INDRAERO SIREN is located in Argenton sur Creuse and Déols where it employs 422 employees, LISI AEROSPACE CREUZET MAROC is based in Casablanca with 283 employees - the group achieved a turnover of 61 €M in 2018 based on significant positions at Airbus and Safran.
LISI AEROSPACE will consolidate its fasteners activities and continue to focus on complex primary parts derived from strategic technologies on which the group intends to develop, including forging, forming or extrusion.
