Haiyan County of China to Take on Technical Transformation and Smart Manufacturing

In recent years, Haiyan County has been optimizing and transforming the local fastener sector. Last year, the county eliminated capacity-incapable companies and cut off low-end companies from the supply chain, shutting down 333 fastener companies. On the other hand, the county is bringing in high-end companies, including the renowned fastener company Wurth, to the supply chain in Haiyan.
As leaders in the Haiyan fastener industry, Haiyan Yuxing Nuts and Zhejiang Dingsheng Automotive Fastener actively improve their digital management. Haiyan Yuxing Nuts utilizes big data in production and has gained positive results. Zhejiang Dingsheng Automotive Fastener invested RMB 70 million and built the County's first fastener smart factory integrating R&D, production, logistics and sales.
The future of the Internet era is Data Cloud. Since last year, the County paced up in developing an Internet platform for the fastener industry in a form of "Haiyan Fastener Could" to facilitate digital transformation of the industry players. Statistically, there were 198 Haiyan fastener companies up in the fastener cloud last year. The County is set to upgrade the local companies from low to high end via cloud management.
