Nedschroef Celebrates 125 Years of Ideas Coming Together

This year, it’s exactly 125 years ago that Nedschroef was established by Dutch entrepreneur and founder Hendrik van Thiel. Back in 1894, it was still a family business producing rivets for the shipbuilding industry. Over the course of time, it gradually started shifting the supply of its fasteners to car manufacturers.
Today, Nedschroef is seen as a leading engineering and manufacturing partner in forming technologies, offering services that vary from design and production to trading and logistics. With this renewed portfolio, the company aims to fulfil the needs of customers at any point along their supply chain to help advance their business.
Throughout history, the people at Nedschroef have always been pioneers, as well as engineers. That is why in 125 years, the company has transformed many great ideas into proven solutions that hold together or help make the products of customers in a wide variety of industries. Besides automotive, these nowadays also include many other business areas such as machinery, racing and aviation.
After having turned 100 in 1994, Nedschroef’s heritage was recognized by the House of Orange, by being granted the predicate ‘Royal’. Its 125th anniversary is an even more remarkable milestone, made possible by thousands of dedicated employees and esteemed customers with whom it jointly forms ideas that are put into action.
Therefore, 2019 is the year in which Nedschroef is celebrating 125 years of ideas coming together.
