SFS Amongst the Top 3 at the Swiss Employers\' Award

The SFS Group reached 3rd place in the large companies category at the 18th Swiss Employers' Award.
At this year's Swiss Arbeitgeber Award 46,130 employees from 140 companies were rating their employer. The SFS employees from the Distribution & Logistics, Industrial and Services areas also took part in the comprehensive employee survey and answered questions on central aspects of their working situation, their work satisfaction and their commitment towards SFS. The best employers were ultimately derived from the answers from all participating companies. The SFS Group reached 3rd place in the large companies category (1000 or more employees) and therefore, as at the last participation in 2016, finished in the top 3.
The management and the whole organization happily accept the good finish as feedback and appreciation on the part of the employees and take this opportunity to thank them for their dedication and loyalty. SFS can draw valuable indications for further development and improvement from these responses. In a broadly based process the indications will be discussed in the teams and appropriate measures taken.