FIJ Reports 2016 Results of Japan Fastener Industry

The Int’l Committee Director of Fastener Institute of Japan (FIJ) Mr. Ookawa, on behalf of FIJ, reported the production and fastener trade statistics of Japan fastener industry in 2016. In 2016, Japan produced 3,010,056 tons of fasteners (up 104.2% from year 2015) and the total production value amounted to JPY 851 billion and 90 million (up 102.7% from year 2015).
As for export, Japan exported 327,717 tons of fasteners (up 104.2% from year 2015). The export value amounted to JPY 268.5 billion and 3 million (up 97.1% from 2015).
As for import, Japan imported 228,744 tons of fasteners (up 98.0% from 2015). The import value amounted to JPY 80.2 billion and 89 million (up 87.2% from 2015).
Mr. Okawa said that Japan’s economy is continuously recovering and has been gradually close to the level before the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the fastener industry also shows a trend of recovery.