US DOC Announces Review Results in AD Order Against Chinese Steel Threaded Rod

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) announced the results of the sixth administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain steel threaded rod from China. The period of review is April 1, 2014, through March 31, 2015. This review covers two PRC exporters , RMB Fasteners Ltd., IFI & Morgan Ltd., and Jiaxing Brother Standard Part Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang New Oriental Fastener Co., Ltd.
The DOC recalculated a dumping margin of 0.00 percent for RMB Fasteners Ltd. and IFI & Morgan Ltd.; and 11.07 percent for Zhejiang New Oriental Fastener Co., Ltd.
The DOC found that the other companies subject to review are not eligible for separate rate status or rescission.
The merchandise covered by the order includes steel threaded rod currently classifiable under HTS codes 7318.15.5051, 7318.15.5056, 7318.15.5090, and 7318.15.2095.