Canadian Southern Bolt Supply Ready to Meet the Needs

Southern Bolt Supply started as a sideline business in 1987 as Randy was working in the oilfield at the time, but after awhile, the business grew to the point where it was demanding more and more of his time.
“I worked at the mines in the early 1980s, welding, and then went into battery operating in the oilfield. But as Southern Bolt grew, I was able to leave the patch and work solely in the fastener and tool business,” he said. “We are a fastener and tool supply company for farming, mining, power stations, oilfield maintenance companies and construction. ”Last year, the company also took on the duties of being the distributor for Pointer Attachments Buckets and Blades for most skid steer machines, building up their reputation as a diverse supplier for a diverse economy and community.
“We try and help every customer with consistent service, no matter if it’s a screw for a sewing machine or a bolt for a dragline,” said Randy. “We're broad-based, supplying for farming, industry, electrical contractors, plumbers and building contractors. It's been 29 years in the business, coming on 30 and that's thanks to our customers over the years.”
