Non-Metallic Fastening

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There is a method of fastening that is widely used in general construction and manufacturing that is little discussed. This is non-metallic joining, or, in other words, adhesives. While the transportation industry monopolizes much of the literature of fastener technology, and most of that is devoted to the study of metallic fastening, little can be found about “glues.” Adhesives are a practical and economic choice, in many instances there might not even be another method as suitable as an adhesive would be.
This lack of knowledge is another case of overspecialization; fastener designers know little of adhesives, and adhesive users know almost nothing about fasteners beyond thread compounds. There is seldom a fastener engineer person or designate at most non-automotive companies. To alleviate this lack of knowledge this article will discuss some of the facets of adhesive joining of components held together without the aid of mechanical fasteners.