Associated Technologies Receives American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Certification for Most of Its Weld Mount Adhesively Bonded Fasteners and Adhesives.

Associated Technologies, a leading manufacturer of Adhesively Bonded Fastening systems, has received American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Product Design Assessment (PDA) Certification for most of its bonded fasteners and adhesives. This certification process reviewed Weld Mount’s manufacturing standards, drawings and technical data to assess its products compliance with ABS standards.
This ABS design review and approval demonstrates Weld Mount’s continued commitment to assure its products meet or exceed these most stringent rules and regulations for offshore use. Weld Mount Adhesively Bonded Fasteners eliminate drilling holes or hot work associated with welding saving significant labor costs while improving vessel integrity. Weld Mount Fasteners have been used extensively in the marine industry since 2005. This ABS certification allows it to expand its use into the commercial marine industry.