KVT-Fastening Offers Lightweight Threaded Inserts

KVT-Fastening offers a comprehensive range of threaded inserts Tappex, Filtec+, Lockfil+, Kato, Fasteks and Keenserts: threaded inserts for highly reliable threaded fastenings in lightweight construction materials.
The automobile industry, railway industry, machinery and precision engineering: in all these industries, lightweight construction materials such as fibreglass-reinforced plastics, aluminium and magnesium materials and zinc die castings are absolute essentials.
For secure, threaded fastenings with high tear-out strength in materials, which are often notch-sensitive and materials with a low shear strength, KVT-Fastening offers a wide range of products in the field of threaded inserts. Depending on individual requirements, Tappex, Fasteks or Keenserts threaded inserts or wire-thread inserts will meet special fastening challenges, from the production of precise, durable nut threads to subsequent thread reinforcement or repair.
Due to their special properties, lightweight construction materials find applications in more and more sectors. Aluminium and magnesium designs reduce the weight of a vehicle or a ship and thus reduce its fuel consumption. For construction in the automotive industry, fibreglass or carbon-fibre-reinforced composite materials are often used, materials which are characterised by extreme stability, lightness and a high degree of resistance to fire.
In processing and assembling these materials, however, traditional methods of fastening soon reach their limits. KVT-Fastening can rise to the challenge of creating reliable fastenings in lightweight materials, which are resistant to tear-out with a wide range of different threaded inserts and wire-thread inserts. The small, specialised fastenings are precisely designed for their respective purpose and are thus extremely durable and simple to install.
