Metinvest’s Rail Fasteners Pass Quality Check by European Customer

Skinest Baltija, a European supplier of materials for railway infrastructure, confirmed that rail fasteners from Metinvest Group’s Azovstal comply with international quality standards.
Rail fasteners are important elements of railway tracks that connect the rails and ties. They are used to construct all types of railway track and are subjected to significant loads. Fasteners must meet strict requirements in terms of design specifications and the quality of steel used to make them.
Skinest Baltija’s analysis confirmed that fastening baseplates 1KB50, 1KB65 and KD-65 and double headed fishplates for Р65 rails made by Azovstal were fully compliant with GOST and UkrSEPRO standards.
In 1H 2015, Metinvest delivered more than 10,000 tons of steel products for railway tracks, including 1,000 tons of rail fasteners. These products were supplied mainly to the domestic market, the CIS (including Belarus and Turkmenistan), and European countries (Latvia, Lithuania and Hungary).
Metinvest Group’s plants produce more than 15 types of rail fasteners, including baseplates, rail splices and hard intermediate clips.
