Field Fastener Pays Staffers Who Volunteer for Worthy Causes

Field Fastener Supply Co. has made an unusual benefit available to its workers: A full workweek of paid time off to volunteer five days a year on behalf of worthy causes.
“About 10 years ago, I started to travel with my family on a mission to Haiti for a week once year and I found it very rewarding,” he said. “I thought, ‘Here, I have this opportunity as the principal of a business to travel and serve, why don’t others have the chance to do that?’ So we decided to offer it as a benefit and allow others to volunteer while taking some time from work,”Chairman Bill Derry said.
Bill and Jim Derry purchased the fastener engineering, inventory management and supply-chain solutions company in 1990. They have grown it from a 12-man shop to a company of 78. They have acquired companies in Texas and Mexico that employ 50.
Team members can choose any cause as long as it is work on behalf of a legitimate nonprofit. They can't use the benefit to "work on Grandma's attic or something," Derry said.
For years, Field team members have used the benefit to volunteer for such causes as Sharefest in Rockford and various charitable organizations that work with residents who need assistance because they are homeless, hungry or disabled in addition to assisting veterans organizations, HR director Tim Firm said.
Written by Jeff Kolkey at Rockford Register Star
