Japanese Screws Head for LINE App Stickers!?

Tanahasi Mayuko (from Japan) created a cartoon screw character called Screw Boy (ねじーる), and drew a picture book, an inspiration from the fastener industry. The character and the book made their presence on the Japanese fastener media and caught on. Now is the era of smart phone and almost anyone has it on hand. Recently, Screw Boy turned into a pay-for-download sticker on smart phone messaging app "LINE". This sticker set is titled "Screw Boy & His Components Friends" with a background description, "The Philips-head Screw Boy is set to be an adorable boy with occasional negative thinking, and he has a ton of components friends". Check out the following link for the sticker preview of Screw Boy. Perhaps a dose of Screw Boy a day to express your feelings in daily fastening work.
