Bufab Group :Johanna Hagelberg and Eva Nilsagård proposed as new Board members in Bufab Holding AB (publ)

The Nomination Committee of Bufab Holding AB (publ) will propose Johanna Hagelberg and Eva Nilsagård as new Board members at the Annual General Meeting on 5 May 2015.
Six of the current Board members - Sven-Olof Kulldorff, Hans Björstrand, Jörgen Rosengren, Adam Samuelsson, Johan Sjö and Gunnar Tindberg - will be nominated for re-election. Ulf Rosberg has declined re-election. Sven-Olof Kulldorff will be proposed for re-election as Chairman of the Board.
Johanna Hagelberg is currently EVP Sourcing at Stora Enso Oyj. Johanna Hagelberg has previously been Chief Procurement Officer at Vattenfall, RSA Scandinavia and NCC AB and has held senior positions within procurement in the automotive industry. Johanna Hagelberg holds an MSc Industrial Engineering & Management, Linköping University and Cranfield University.
Eva Nilsagård is currently SVP Strategy & Business Development at Volvo Group Trucks Sales & Marketing EMEA. Eva Nilsagård has previously held different positions within Volvo, Vitrolife, AstraZeneca Group and SKF primarily within finance and business development. Eva Nilsagård holds an Master of Business Administration from University of Gothenburg.
The Nomination Committee's complete proposal will be presented in the notice to the Annual General Meeting and on the company's website.
The Nomination Committee consists of Johan Ståhl, Chairman (Lannebo Fonder), Hans Hedström (Carnegie Fonder), Magnus von Knorring (Fondita), Johan Wallin (Didner & Gerge Fonder) and Chairman of the Board in Bufab Holding AB (publ), Sven-Olof Kulldorff.