Japanese Kansai Crown Releases Innovative Nut Fastening Tool for Use in Tight Working Space

Kansai Crown Co., Ltd releases the innovative tool called "こりゃナット君 (literal translation: Nuts! Take That!)", which enables users to fasten hardly accessible nuts located at tight working space. The tool's price is scheduled at JPY 29 thousand. The tool is 238mm in length and 840 grams in weight. The insertion slot close to the handle can attach with an electric driver. The embedded gear will rotate the hexagonal hole at the front tip by clockwise or counter-clockwise direction so as to fasten the nut. Therefore, even if the electric drive cannot enter the tight space right above the nut, the user can still use the driver by horizontal position. It is recommended to set the driver at low-speed mode when using the tool, and use other tools for final-stage strong fastening operation. The tool is suitable for use with M8-M16 nuts.
