CITT Continues Order on Certain Fasteners from China and Taiwan

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal continued, with amendment, its order made on January 6, 2010, in Expiry Review No. RR-2009-001, continuing, with amendment, its findings made on January 7, 2005, in Inquiry No. NQ-2004-005, concerning the dumping of certain carbon steel fasteners originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan and the subsidizing of such products originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China, excluding the products described in the appendices to the order (link to for detailed product info).
The Tribunal found that the dumping and subsidizing of certain carbon steel fasteners from China and Taiwan were likely to result in injury. The Canada Border Services Agency will therefore continue to impose anti-dumping and countervailing duties on these products.
