SPIROL Receives 2014 General Motors Supplier Quality Excellence Award

For the third consecutive year, SPIROL Industries Ltd. has received the General Motors Supplier Quality Excellence Award.
The award was received on behalf of the entire SPIROL team by Daniel McLean, Quality Manager and Chris Stanton, Operations Manager. GM has 2,300 North American suppliers and SPIROL was one of 80 companies to receive the award all three years.
According to GM, “suppliers who receive this award have met or exceeded a stringent set of quality performance criteria and have achieved the cross-functional support of the entire GM organization. The award recognizes those suppliers who have demonstrated the highest levels of quality performance over the past 12 months”.
Each supplier who won the award met thirteen quality criteria over a period of twelve months with one notable criterion being: "Zero – Number of defects in parts and components delivered by Supplier Quality Excellence Award winners."
This is a significant achievement and a testament to SPIROL's operational excellence and quality control considering the millions of parts supplied to General Motors from SPIROL's global locations.