CHHMA Announces Calendar of Events for 2015

Canadian Hardware & Housewares Manufacturers Association has recently announced the calendar of events for 2015, in addition to the upcoming event “Industry Cocktail,” which will take place at Casino de Montreal in Quebec on December 9.
The events scheduled to be given in 2015 are as follow:
Canada Night (March 8, 2015) InterContinental Hotel Chicago,
Illinois CHHMA Spring Conference & AGM (April 8, 2015) International Centre (Conference Facility) Mississauga,
Ontario Maple Leaf Night (May 5, 2015) The Mirage Hotel & Casino Las Vegas,
Nevada The 46th Annual CHHMA Ontario Golf Tournament (May 26, 2015) Angus Glen Golf Club Markham,
Ontario The 40th Annual CHHMA Quebec Golf Classic (May 28, 2015) Club de golf Le Fontainebleau Blainville, Quebec
For more details, please contact CHHMA directly.
