New Chairman for BIAFD
At its recent meeting in Stratford upon Avon the Executive of the British & Irish Association of Fastener Distributors elected Geoff Budd as its Chairman for the next two years. Geoff Budd is a Director of Trifast plc and European Managing Director of TR Fastenings. With more than 38 years ’wide-ranging experience in the fastener industry he is ideally qualified to take on the BIAFD role for which he won unanimous approval from the association’s executive. “I am honoured to have been asked to take on the Chairmanship of BIAFD and look forward to representing the interests of its members,” he commented. Geoff Budd assumes the chair from Keith Harrison, Managing Director of the UK’s Hexstone Group of Companies. At the meeting, BIAFD members warmly expressed their appreciation for Keith’s two-year period as chairman and director of the association. Andy Witts, of Bollhoff Fastenings Ltd, was re-elected as Vice-Chairman and David Furness, of Rapierstar Ltd, as Finance Officer and Director. David Jackson, of Stainless Threaded Fasteners, continues in office for a further year as chairman of the BIAFD’s Stainless Steel Fastener Group.