Sweden FinnvedenBulten AB Changes Its Name to Bulten AB and Adopts New Articles of Association

FinnvedenBulten AB held an Extraordinary General Meeting on Tuesday 19 August 2014, and decided to change company name and the Articles of Association. The General Meeting decided to change the name of the company and change the Articles of Association in accordance with the Board's proposal for resolution, implying that the company name is changed from FinnvedenBulten AB to Bulten AB by amending the company's articles of association § 1.
The change is brought about by the Group, since division Finnveden Metal Structures was sold to Shiloh Industries Inc. June 30, 2014, focuses entirely on the fasteners for the automotive industry, ie the business in division Bulten and that the new name better reflects the Group's operations. The name Bulten AB is held by a subsidiary of the Group which, in conjunction with FinnvedenBulten AB's change of name, will change name to Bulten Fasteners AB (Reg. No. 556010-8861).
FinnvedenBulten AB's shares are currently traded under the ticker FBAB. Because of the resolution to amend the company's name the share will, as soon as the new name is registered at the Swedish Companies Registration Office, be traded under the ticker BULTEN. (source: FinnvedenBulten AB)