Paul Tiffany Elected NFDA President for 2014-2015

Paul Tiffany of Copper State Bolt and Nut (Phoenix, Arizona) was elected as the 2014-2015 president of the National Fastener Distributors Association. Casey McIlhon of Assembled Products (Des Moines, Iowa) will serve as vice president, Marty Goeree of The Elgin Group (Batesville, Indiana) is the new associate chair, and Kevin Reidl of Hodell-Natco (Valley View, Ohio) will remain on the Board as immediate past president.
Four new Board members were elected to serve on the NFDA Board: Gary Cravens of Advance Components (Carrollton, Texas), Jim Lindrup of Great Lakes Fasteners & Supply (Grand Rapids, Michigan), Kevin Miller of Bamal Corporation (Charlotte, North Carolina), and Marc Strandquist of The Wurth Group (Indianapolis, Indiana).
Continuing on the NFDA Board are Giovanni Cespedes of Falcon Fastening Solutions (Charlotte, North Carolina), Kameron Dorsey of Beacon Fasteners & Components (Wheeling, Illinois), and Bob Luzum of Accurate Component Sales (New Brighton, Minnesota).
The new Board was introduced at the NFDA 2014 Annual Meeting, held June 18-20 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Highlights of the annual meeting included executive sales planning sessions (ESPS), an educational program on “Entrepreneurship, Sales and Leadership in the New Economy.” More than 120 people participated in the meeting.
Tribute was paid during the meeting to retiring Board members Sara Mallo of Rotor Clip Company (Somerset, New Jersey) and Jay Queenin of Specialty Bolt & Nut (Agawam, Massachusetts).
During the annual business meeting, outgoing president Kevin Reidl gave an update on the association’s activities during the past year and plans for the coming year.
Nine new members were introduced at the annual business meeting:
• Atlas, A PennEngineering Brand
• EFC International
• General Fasteners Company
• Huron Automatic Screw Company
• Pacific Warehouse Sales
• R&D Fasteners
• Sigma Fasteners
• Tour de Force CRM
• TRAMEC Hill Fasteners
The annual business meeting also featured remarks from Bill Chen and Ivan Lin of the Taiwan Fastener Trading Association.
Upcoming NFDA events include:
NFDA Executive Retreat
November 2-4, 2014
Ritz-Carlton Beach Resort Naples,Florida
NFDA 2015 Winter Meeting
February 26-28, 2015
Francis Marion Hotel Charleston, South Carolina
NFDA 2015 Annual Meeting
June 10-11, 2015
Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare Hotel Rosemont, Illinois In Conjunction with Fastener Tech ‘15
For more information about NFDA and its activities, visit or contact Vickie Lester, , telephone 714-484-7858.
