Taiwanese Aviation Triggers Transformation in Fastener Industry

Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) said, “In the past 3 years the production value of Taiwanese aviation rose by 10% each year, and hit the highest record of NTD83.2 billion in 2013. The result is expected to reach NTD100 billion this year and will create over 1,000 jobs.”
Deputy director Lien of Industrial Development Bureau (Taiwan) added, “developing the aviation is one part of our policy for promoting high added values in industries. Traditional industries like fasteners can expand their business to cover parts used in the aviation and introduce high-end technologies from abroad, making them the next core industries with stable export performance. MOEA said, “Taiwanese aviation has expanded its business to include the manufacture and maintenance of bodies, engines, interior décor, and electronics and has become a certified supply source for Boeing, Airbus, GE, Rolls-Royce with at least 5-year supply contracts.”
