Japanese Steel Industry May Lodge Antidumping Petition to Slow Import Increase

The total amount of steel Japanese steel manufacturers imported in April hit a record high over the past 9 years. The management of steel division in Japan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs said that some Japanese steel manufacturers pointed out that the current price of imported steel was lower than that in its country of origin, and said that if the import continued to remain at the high point, they would consider lodging an antidumping petition.
The Iron & Steel Institute of Japan said last month that the recovery of Japanese real estate market boosted the demand for steel, especially those imported from Asia. The association will make the decision after it assesses the increasing import and losses of the domestic manufacturers.
Japan is the second largest steel manufacturing country (as China is the first) without the imposition of antidumping measures against steel. According to the official data, 25 cases regarding Japanese steel manufacturers being involved in antidumping lawsuits or investigations are in record.
