Taiwan’s CSC Domestic Wire Price for July/August Remains Unchanged

According to the latest announcement of CSC in Taiwan, the prices for steel plates, wire rods, and galvanized steel coils will remain unchanged. However, it has also announced to reduce the prices for domestic steel products including hot/cold rolled, electrical steel, and hot-dip galvanized steel coils in July and August, which is in favor of cost reduction of companies in the mid and down stream. The price for hot-rolled is down NTD479 per ton, down NTD363 for cold-rolled, down NTD536 for electrical steel, and down NTD53 for hot-dip galvanized steel.
CSC pointed out that considering Q3 being an off-season of the global steel industry, the downstream industry faces pressure from insufficient export orders. As a result,CSC determined to adjust the prices for domestic steel products in July and August tostrengthen confidence of the downstream in purchasing materials and boost theglobal competitiveness of the entire industry.