Starborn Industries Introduces Uncoated Deckfast® “Grade 316” Stainless Steel Deck Screws for Ultimate Protection in High-Corrosion Areas

Starborn Industries, Inc., a leading international manufacturer and distributor of premium fastening product systems, announced the availability of star drive “Grade 316” uncoated stainless deck screws, a type of stainless steel that offers the ultimate protection against corrosion. Starborn has long offered both Grades 305 and 316 in its Headcote® line of stainless steel screws with color coated heads (available in nearly twenty different colors to match popular decking products). Now, Starborn's uncoated stainless line, Deckfast® Stainless, will also be available in both stainless grades (305 and 316), offering deck builders and homeowners a full range of fastening options and the highest levels of corrosion resistance.
The new Grade 316 stainless deck screws offer top-level protection for high-corrosion environments, such as pools, marinas, large bodies of water, and areas that encounter salt water or salt air. The screws prevent the staining of costly deck materials like ipe, mahogany, cedar, redwood, PVC, capstock and composites. The corrosion-resistant properties of Grade 316 stainless screws also help maintain the value of decks. Deckfast Stainless screws are available in a full range of sizes, in both trim and flat head, and feature auger points for a fast start and extra-deep star drive recesses favored by professional builders.