Sinpa Completed Half Century

The Brazilian syndicate of fastener industries (Sindicato das Indústrias de Parafusos), called Sinpa, completed 50 years old last December. The date was celebrated with a dinner and with the presence of some associated, the chairman from 1968 to 1992, Alfredo Fuchs, and the current chairman, since 2001, J. Gianesi Sobrinho. Fuchs, is not only one of the founders of the syndicate, but also the current honorary president of Acument Brazil Fastening Systems.
Sinpa was created after the arrival of some information from Lamson & Sessions (Cleveland, Ohio, USA) and their plans of installing an industrial plant in Brazil. In this decade, Lamson & Sessions was the second largest fasteners company in the USA. This company was so powerful that the forecasts especially between the executives were, according to Fuchs, that they would “crush us”. As a way to get protection, the Brazilian Government informed the executives of local manufacturers to organize themselves in a syndicate, so that it would be possible to make formal protests against that situation.
Sleeping with the enemy
Currently, Sinpa has been fighting to solve completely different problems, mainly caused by its own government, such as the few investments on infrastructure, road maintenance, high taxes and others, that cause the high expenses to produce manufactured products, as fasteners.