WireDrawing 101® to Take Place in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Plans have been announced for a staging of WireDrawing 101®, May 5 to 6, 2014, in Indianapolis, IN, USA (hotel location to be announced). WireDrawing 101 will utilize the book written by the program's instructor, Roger N. Wright, Wire Technology - Process Engineering and Metallurgy, published by Butterworth-Heinemann (an imprint of Elsevier). This book addresses essentially all of the WireDrawing 101 material, and a copy will be provided to all course registrants. The comprehensive WireDrawing 101 course teaches the fundamentals of wire drawing to producers and users of both ferrous and nonferrous wire. The course is a practical and basic introduction to modern wire drawing engineering with an emphasis on questions, answers and everyday examples. The course instructor, Roger N. Wright is a Professor of Materials Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.