WTO Condemns EU`s AD Measure Against China`s Iron and Steel Fasteners

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On December 3rd, World Trade Organization condemned that the EU`s antidumping measure against China`s iron and steel fasteners are discriminatory and inconsistent with WTO rules. The EU officials admitted that it was a significant defeat. However, they put emphasis that this result was only an intermediary step and both sides could appeal to it and it would be too early to say how it would impact the current measure. Related legal experts considered that the victory of China was a sign of effectiveness of its strategy of fighting foreign import tariff by hiring top-notch trade lawyers and lobbying heavily in the WTO headquarters based in Brussels. The 394-page ruling may be set as a precedent, making it harder for the EU and the U.S. to impose antidumping duties on developing countries like China and Vietnam. WTO also accepted China`s claim and considered the products made in China are legitimately cheap, even though they are not subsidized by the government. The EU can make its appeal within 60 days. If it still loses, it will have to revise the duties and the way it carries out the related investigations.
