Foreign Sales Set New Record, Fastener Makers Receive Incoming Orders

In 2013, Taiwan exported 1.45 million tons of fasteners, up 5.78% from 2012, setting a new record. Due to the slight industry recovery in US, Europe, and Russia, Public companies like Chun Yu, Tycoons, and OFCO has been receiving nonstop orders since last December. Chun Yu's orders number for Jan. and Feb. grows 20% from 2013; Tycoons got orders from US giants and exported 1,500 tons of fasteners and cleared all of its small screws stockpile.
According to statistics, Taiwan's fastener export volume in 2013 surged to a record-breaking 1.45 million tons. The year 2004 and 2011 are the only two periods that exceeded the 1.40 million mark since 1999. Compared with 2011, the 1.45 million tons of 2013 equals to 2.63% growth. The top 3 nations with the most fastener export volume in 2013 are US, Germany, and Japan, and all of them are still growing in 2014. Among them, Japan the largest growth margin of 17.13%. Other nations like Italy, Spain, and Russia also shows large growth margins.