Evergreen Tool Company Unveils Its New, Easy to Use Ratchet Wrench

Evergreen Tool Company has introduced an amazingly simple to use Evergreen Ratcheting Wrench. Born from the need to tighten hex head nuts in hard-to-get places. The product is so unique that the US patent office issued patent 5,671,644 for the special ability to index forward without moving the wrench from the work piece. This time-saving feature is accomplished by the rounded nose of the open ended wrench. Unlike pliers or pipe wrenches, the Evergreen ratcheting wrench does not need to be loosened and repositioned with each movement, allowing the user to quickly move on to other projects. Unlike heavy sockets, the ratcheting wrench weighs only a few ounces causing less worker fatigue while simultaneously allowing for more space in the tool box. Made of 4140 hot rolled annealed steel and plated with a clear zinc chromate, the compact wrench is a mere ¼” thick.
The Evergreen Ratcheting Wrenches allow you to use the wrench at various angles. The wrenches are designed to work with any 3/8” T-handle. Pipe wrenches often scratch the surfaces around the nut being tightened. The Evergreen Ratcheting Wrench is flat on both sides and has no protrusions to cause damage. Evergreen Tool Company's wrench goes from tightening to loosening by simply flipping the wrench over. It’s that simple.
