U.S. ITC Determines to Continue Antidumping Duties Against Chinese Steel Nails

On December 11, 2013, U.S. International Trade Commission announced in the sunset review that the antidumping measures against steel nails with China origin will continue and agreed that if the existing measures are canceled, U.S. domestic industries will suffer material injury caused by the products involved within a reasonable and foreseeable future. All the 6 commissioners voted “yes” for the continuation.
According to the determination of U.S. ITC, U.S .Department of Commerce will continue to impose antidumping duties against steel nails imported from China.
On October 21, 2013, U.S. International Trade Commission announced to launch a sunset review of steel nails imported from China with product codes falling in 7317.00.55, 7317.00.65, and 7317.00.75.
