"Severstal-metiz" Expands Deliveries of Shear Connectors

The group of factories "Severstal-metiz" (enters into Open Society "Severstal") made and sold to the client 19 tons of shear connectors (22х150) which will be used at the construction of a highway М10 junction on a Pushkino - Kolpino section.
New object of an infrastructure - the modern multilevel road junction - solves a question of transport accessibility to inhabitants of a big housing estate "Slav" in Pushkin region of St.-Petersburg. Deliveries to this and other infrastructural objects became possible, thanks to the realization of the investment project in the "Severstal-metiz" after which company is the first local producer of shear connectors.
Let's note that in the end of September "Severstal-metiz" discussed with partners and colleagues the future of shear connectors in the domestic market during the conference “Development of fasteners for bridge and highway engineering”. “Shear connector - one of the most perspective kinds of ‘Severstal-metiz’ products. Because of the installation of the necessary equipment, we adjusted production engineering, and passed the certification that guaranteed our quality. We are ready to participate in the most complex projects with application of connectors, including production of new sizes especially under these projects”, comments Alexander Shevelev, general director of "Severstal-metiz".
